About Us


Any-who... now that I have your attention... Hey there! Welcome to our website. My name is Alexa and I'll be tour guide, so if everyone is ready, Allons-y. (let's go) ​​Bang Boom Pow! Design was established in 2011 with the goal to provide quality and affordable nerdy Graphic Design services. {Please no questions until the end of the paragraph.} Whether you're a new bride and looking for those perfect nerdy wedding invitations or just a person throwing party to celebrate the release of Star Wars 7. Bang Boom Pow! is here to help with your 'cool' event and would love to discuss design options with you. We are a Michigan based company, but since our business is online we cater to everyone from here to Dagobah. We specialize in creating unique, one of a kind 'nerd friendly' designs. Got a theme and need invites, stationary, send up the Bat Signal and we'll be on it quicker you can say Holy strawberries Batman, we're in a jam. We're always creating something, so check back often. Well, I hope you enjoyed our tour, now does anyone have any questions? www.bangboompowdesign.com

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